Today’s solo episode is inspired by a book that I’ve been reading that has been super impactful for me. I wanted to dive into the topic that this book centers around so we can all understand why we tend to hit a ceiling of personal development and what we can do to...
Do You Ever Just Feel Down? Let’s Chat!
In today’s solo episode, I wanted to chat a little bit about the times that we are feeling down and how to lift yourself back up in order to be a strong leader. I want to let you know it’s okay to not feel 10/10 all of the time, but it’s important not to linger in a...
Uncommiting To Commit To Your Goals
This solo episode today is all about commitment to your goals for the new year, how to keep those commitments, and stepping into the version of your future self that you want to be. I give a little insight into what it takes to focus on core goals, the processes...
4 Ways To Make This Year DIFFERENT!
On today’s solo episode, I talk about ways to look ahead, set goals and really make positive changes in the New Year. Change takes work, dedication, and even can be scary, but I help break down some ways to make it easier to follow through with your changes for you to...