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Today’s solo episode is inspired by a book that I’ve been reading that has been super impactful for me. I wanted to dive into the topic that this book centers around so we can all understand why we tend to hit a ceiling of personal development and what we can do to make sure we keep growing even after we hit our goals.    

Talking Points:

02:02 Staying Comfortable        

06:20 The Whys        

08:06 Zones     

16:16 Questions        

Staying Comfortable       

The book talks about why, at a certain point in our lives, we come to a point where we stop developing and sort of become complacent where we’re at. Sometimes we hit goals and linger on that level because it’s comfortable, or we do things to self-sabotage. We do this because we feel a sense of guilt about an abundance of happiness and success.    

The Whys              

Worrying and overthinking is one reason why we sometimes hit a ceiling and don’t push past it. We start to ask ourselves all sorts of questions and start looking at what could go wrong. Same with deflecting and being comfortable with where we are.         


People tend to fall into three different zones of ability. The first is the zone of competence, which is being good at what we’re doing but others can do them just as well. The second is the zone of excellence, which is having areas we exceed in, but it’s also where we get tempted to stay and therefore not flourish. The third is the zone of genius, which most people don’t fall into, but it’s where we flex our special gifts and strengths.     


If we want to get to the zone of genius, we should ask ourselves some questions. What do we most love to do? What work do I do that doesn’t seem like work? In my work, what produces the highest abundance and satisfaction? What is your unique ability? Finding the answers to these questions will help us thrive.  


Resources from this episode:

Get The Book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks Here

Check Out My Website Here

Book a 15 minute 1:1 Discovery Call Here  

Sign Up For Virtual Bootcamp Groups Here

Discover Coaching Mentorship Here 

Check Out 14 Nights of Easy Dinner Recipes Here 

Get Your Printable Goal Guide Here 

Thank you for listening to this episode! Please take a screenshot and share your biggest takeaway on your Instagram stories and tag me @molly.asplin so that I can shout you out! Until next time, 

Molly Asplin 

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Molly Asplin

Molly Asplin

I founded Team Hustle With Heart, which is a powerhouse of dynamic women who are driven and committed. We value relationships, community, and believe in collaboration over competition. We are here to bring good to the world, make a difference, and dream bigger together.

I am married to my husband, Steve, and we have 3 littles. We love being outside, staying active together, and traveling as much as we can! I look forward to getting to know you better and want to thank you for being here – I am so grateful to do what I do everyday!

Molly Asplin holding cup of coffee

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