In this episode, I talk about a concept called the knowing-doing gap.
Most of us know exactly what we need to do to make something happen, but yet we simply don’t do it. It’s not a knowledge gap, it’s an execution gap. The book “12 Week Year” by Brian P Moran & Michael Lennington breaks this down so well
This is why so many Americans are obese despite the surplus of information around health and fitness. It’s no secret HOW to lose weight or become healthier, but yet so many don’t take the necessary action. Execution gap.
I break down what I believe are 3 main reasons we don’t take action on the things we should: Fear, Time, and Self Belief.
Every morning you wake up a new version of yourself – that is refreshing! Yesterday is the past; what matters is right here, right now, and what you decide to do with TODAY.
I’m going to be working with 10 new coach leaders for my health & fitness business, and I’m specifically looking for women who are intentional, confident in most areas, and know there is more within them. As your mentor, I can help you gain the courage to act and go after the dreams that have been tucked inside you all along. You do the work, but I’m there for you as a mentor and a guide. If you’re interested in being one of the ten, please email me at in**@mo*********.com and we can chat from there.
Please follow the Dream It Do It podcast on your podcast app and connect with me on Instagram @molly.asplin!