work life balance as a working mom

Work Life Balance As A Working Mom

Work Life Balance As A Working Mom

In this episode, I chat about navigating the ongoing topic of “work life balance” as a mom who cares about her family and her children (of course!) AND as a mom who wants to thrive and flourish in her career.  I am strive to do my very best with both, and it’s not always easy.

I believe we CAN do both well, but that it does take ongoing reflecting, adaptability, and putting one foot in front of the other as we move through different seasons of life.

I definitely don’t have this all have this figured out (who does?!), and I will always be on a quest to find harmony & alignment with the priorities that I value most in my life.

I pay attention to moms I look up to who have gone before me, I think about how I want each day to FEEL, I remember my kids are only little once, and I ask for help!

Here’s to normalizing that we all do it different and supporting other mamas every step of the way.  XO

If this episode resonates with you, please share a favorite takeaway in your Instagram stories and tag me @molly.asplin.