didi podcast (30)

Why “Being Efficient” Can Actually Slow You Down!

We want to “be efficient” to feel like we’re making the most of our time. However, some of us get caught up in a super regimented, robotic way of life, and I actually believe it can be hurting more than it’s helping.

Yes, habits and routines are AWESOME! Trust me, I live and breathe for habit formation and doing things repeatedly that help improve our lives.  AND… you still gotta come up for air and see the bigger picture.  Otherwise, you live the same day over and over again, with no outlook on where you’re headed. You may not even be enjoying the process OR where it’s taking you. 

What’s the point of that?!

I believe in creating more MARGIN in our lives and living in a way that feels good, not allocating every single minute of every day because “that’s just how busy I am!” No thanks!

In this episode, I talk through how to work backwards from your bigger picture goal, how to think differently, and what to be cautious of as you begin to make these changes!

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Connect with me on Instagram @molly.asplin or email me anytime at mo***********@gm***.com

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About Molly

Molly is a wife, mother of three, and a certified high-performance coach, dedicated to helping others transform their lives through her venture, Dream It Do It Wellness. After stepping away from a corporate finance career, she found fulfillment in crafting a life and business that truly inspired her.

Passionate about sharing her journey, Molly empowers others to achieve their dreams by fostering intentional habits, smart time management, and engaging in meaningful work. Through her podcast, Dream It Do It, she encourages her audience to dream big, take decisive action, and create a life they love.