Finding Flexibility In Working From Home

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Today I have a solo episode for you that’s all about careers and what it really means to work from home as well as everything that comes along with it. I want to provide a little glimpse into the responsibilities, but also the wonderful flexibility of it. I encourage you to find that flexibility so you can live a happy, healthy, balanced life. 

Talking Points:

01:49 Options   

06:27 Change    

08:30 Responsibilities  

10:04 Benefits  

17:07 Advice    


Today, we have a lot more options as far as virtual work than we did before the pandemic. It really changed how we as a society function now. It’s good to take a look at some of the benefits that come along with this new found flexibility as well as the responsibilities behind it. I take you down the path that I went through in the corporate world and how I made changes that I knew were going to mean better balance for my professional and personal life. 


A lot of times we feel like we have to be locked into the careers that we started out in. We need to understand that it’s okay to change when something isn’t working anymore. Humans are meant to evolve in our lives and in our careers. Women in particular and in a great place where we can do both. We can have our careers and our families. It’s just making sure everything is aligned and balanced.       


There are certain levels of responsibilities that come with working from home or managing your own business. There is flexibility that is amazing to have, but you also have to align your time and come up with a balance that is going to work for both the career and home life. It can be hard to do, but it’s very much worth it. 


Overall, working from home provides more freedom than other options, which in turn leads to a much better home life where you can concentrate on necessary things or things that are important to you. On the flip side, you still get to contribute to the financial portion of your life and work a career that’s meaningful to you. 


I have three pieces of advice if you are considering choosing a remote career. One is you have to start. It can be tricky, but with time, it can happen. Second is that it’s going to be messy. Things don’t always happen with smooth sailing, but it’ll be worth it in the end. Third is finding a mentor that you are inspired by. Doing these things will get you on the right track.          

Resources from this episode:

Check Out My Website: Here

Book a 15 minute 1:1 Discovery Call: Here  

Sign Up For Virtual Bootcamp Groups: Here

Discover Coaching Mentorship: Here 

Check Out 14 Nights of Easy Dinner Recipes: Here 

Get Your Printable Goal Guide: Here 

Thank you for listening to this episode! Please take a screenshot and share your biggest takeaway on your Instagram stories and tag me @molly.asplin so that I can shout you out! Until next time, 

Molly Asplin 

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