How & Why We Quit Our Corporate Jobs and Traveled Around the World

How & Why We Quit Our Corporate Jobs and Traveled Around the World

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How & Why We Quit Our Corporate Jobs and Traveled Around the World

In this episode, I chat with my husband, Steve, about how and why we decided to press pause on life, quit our corporate jobs, sell our house + furniture, and travel around the world for 5 months!

We share about how we set ourselves up to do this, the conversations that went into our decision, and the specifics on price and logistics. We chat about where we went (16 countries) and how an “Around The World” ticket even works!

We booked our ticket via AirTreks

We also share specific moments on the trip that helped us gain clarity and insight into how we wanted life to feel upon return and what things DID feel like upon return!

We hope you enjoy this one – we love chatting about all things travel!

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