How To Go From Burnout To Breakthrough

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In this episode, I talk about how to go from burnout to breakthrough — and if you have you ever felt like the activities you’re dedicating your time to don’t match your interests or your sense of purpose…  Or, that you’re giving more than you’re getting… then this is for YOU.

3 out of 4 Americans have reported feeling burned out and 70% of American workers aren’t passionate about their jobs.

When we dedicate so much time and energy with low passion, it causes exhaustion, disengagement, and productivity suffers.

I have experienced burnout a few different times and in this episode, I break down 5 strategies that helped me overcome it and make a breakthrough on the other side.

The best part about burnout (if you do something about it) is that it can lead to breakthrough – it has for me, and I know it can for you too!  There can actually be something really good on the other side of the burnout.

The book I referenced is called Sustain Your Game by Alan Stein Jr. I highly recommend it!

Take a listen and share your biggest takeaway on social media and tag me @molly.asplin so that I can shout you out!

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