finish 2021 strong

Things I’m Doing MORE of & LESS of to Finish 2021 Strong

Finish 2021 Strong

Do you ever have those days/weeks where you just feel bleh?  Like you need to press pause for a moment and get to the cause of what’s up?  That was me last week, and there’s something super helpful I did to move past it.  I believe I came out much better because of it!

I wrote out:  Things I want to STOP and things I want to START.  In this episode, I chat through the specifics of what I wrote!  I have a feeling this will get your wheels spinning with areas you may want to focus on as well!

I also made a template for you to do your own journaling around this topic.  Subscribe to my email list here, and watch for it in your email this week!

Books/Podcasts referenced: