A Fulfillment Gap: Feeling a Pull for Passion and Purpose

A Fulfillment Gap: Feeling a Pull for Passion and Purpose

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A Fulfillment Gap: Feeling a Pull for Passion and Purpose

In this episode, I share my story about how I pivoted from my role in Corporate America to something different that I was passionate about.

I couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but I had gotten to a point where I knew there was more in me – more passion, purpose, and something different…but I wasn’t sure what.

I could see my path in Corporate America, but in my heart & intuition, I knew I needed to look inside at what I really wanted vs. simply changing jobs.  I needed to look at who I really was and how I wanted to feel each day.  I wanted to feel excited about the day ahead.

“Can you cultivate passion?”

… a question I had curiously asked one of my corporate mentors.

I began to pivot and work on myself – fitness, clean eating, and mindset, after starting my own coaching business and becoming more aligned with the girl that I knew was in there somewhere.

Books referenced:

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

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