4 Ways To Make This Year DIFFERENT!

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On today’s solo episode, I talk about ways to look ahead, set goals and really make positive changes in the New Year. Change takes work, dedication, and even can be scary, but I help break down some ways to make it easier to follow through with your changes for you to live the life you want to live.    

Talking Points:

01:15 Change  

06:26 Meaning     

12:21 Asset  

26:46 Goals  

31:40 Action   


It’s great to want things to change, coming up with goals and things you want to accomplish is great. The thing is, change takes work. It’s more than just saying you are going to do it or only doing the bare minimum to ignite that change. It’s putting in some true, hard work to make it happen. 


Attaching meaning to your past is an important step in making changes for the future. You have to work through the hard and complicated things that you’ve been ignoring or deflecting. These things are going to hold you back if you attach meaning to them and let them go. Become better, not bitter.      


Your vision of your future is the greatest asset you have. You need to get clear on where you want to go. It’s easy to point out what you don’t want, but what is it that you do want? Don’t get lost in the present and not prepare for your future. Take time for yourself to focus on who you want to become and your purpose. 


A big thing to truly make this year different is to commit to your goals and not the process. A lot of times people give up on goals if the process isn’t working. If something isn’t working, change your process, but don’t stop aiming for your goal.     


One very important thing to note for change, is that your new life will cost you your old life. You have to act. You have to do something different instead of just thinking about it. Wondering and waiting won’t get you anywhere, actions are everything.       

Resources from this episode:

Find “Be Your Future Self Now” by Benjamin Hardy: Here

Check Out My Website: Here

Book a 15 minute 1:1 Discovery Call: Here  

Sign Up For Virtual Bootcamp Groups: Here

Discover Coaching Mentorship: Here 

Check Out 14 Nights of Easy Dinner Recipes: Here 

Get Your Printable Goal Guide: Here 

Thank you for listening to this episode! Please take a screenshot and share your biggest takeaway on your Instagram stories and tag me @molly.asplin so that I can shout you out! Until next time, 

Molly Asplin 

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