Overcoming Fears Around Social Media

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Overcoming Fears Around Social Media to Grow Your Mission & Impact with Dr. Jesse Lillejord

This episode for all the entrepreneurs out there or anyone who has a story to share with the world! In this episode, I have the honor of interviewing Jesse Lillejord. Jesse shares her story around leaning into a passion she had around specializing with moms in the chiropractic world. She saw a need to niche & specialize and went for it. She talks about the rollercoaster feelings involved in starting a new business and how she remained rooted in purpose. We discuss social media and how, even though we were both apprehensive of it, it has vastly helped us develop both online + real life communities and expand our impact. Jesse shares about her initial reservations with it, and how she wishes she had started building on social media sooner. So if you’ve been held back from sharing your story, this episode will help you overcome your fears around social media sharing!

Jesse also talks about her morning routine, her cadence as a working mom, and what she has learned about leadership – specifically leading a team of strong women. You will hear the calm confidence, kindness, and passion in her voice — qualities that I believe are part of what have made her so successful.Be sure to follow Dr Jesse and her team on Instagram @dr.jesse_chiroformoms and @chiro_for_moms — their content is fantastic for any moms near and far!

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Molly Asplin

Molly Asplin

I founded Team Hustle With Heart, which is a powerhouse of dynamic women who are driven and committed. We value relationships, community, and believe in collaboration over competition. We are here to bring good to the world, make a difference, and dream bigger together.

I am married to my husband, Steve, and we have 3 littles. We love being outside, staying active together, and traveling as much as we can! I look forward to getting to know you better and want to thank you for being here – I am so grateful to do what I do everyday!

Molly Asplin holding cup of coffee

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