episode 178 cover

Stop Scrolling, Start Living: How to Escape the Social Media Spiral to Have More Time, Energy, & JOY! 

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Key Topics

00:00 Intentional habits for career success and wellness.
05:11 Striving for presence, avoiding social media distractions.
06:41 People often distracted by phones and devices.
12:07 Combine iPod and phone, minimize carried devices.
14:01 Viral content exploits psychological need for validation.
19:42 Gen Z struggles with face-to-face interactions.
23:08 Create guiding principles for a sustainable lifestyle.
27:11 Avoid screens to preserve mental resources daily.
29:06 Plan a 30-day detox for clearer thinking.
32:52 Find solitude; reflect on true passions instead.
36:23 Reflecting on generational impacts and societal changes.
38:06 Reconsider your relationship with screens and social media.
41:33 Please review podcast; receive $5 Starbucks gift.

The Invisible Weight of Screen Time

In this episode, I’ll share:

  • Why social media is the “junk food” of technology and how it’s been engineered to be addictive.
  • The critical importance of solitude and how it can unlock clarity, sharper thinking, and confidence.
  • What happens when we stop filling every white space with a screen or scroll.
  • Steps to take a 30-day social media detox and rediscover what truly brings you joy.
  • The personal transformation I’ve experienced since setting boundaries with social media.

Have you ever felt like social media is stealing your time, energy, and focus?

If so, you’re not alone. In this episode of The Dream It Do It Podcast, we’re diving deep into how the digital world impacts our productivity, creativity, and real-life connections—and what we can do to reclaim our lives.

Social media might feel like harmless entertainment, but did you know it’s designed to be as addictive as junk food? The constant scroll, endless notifications, and pressure to stay “on” can drain your joy and distract you from what matters most.

These apps and platforms have become super engaging (maybe a bit too engaging!) with their clever features that keep us coming back for more. We’ve all been there – getting caught up in endless scrolling and notifications, only to realize we could have spent that time doing something more meaningful.

When we’re always connected to our screens, we might miss out on some amazing opportunities to grow, create, and truly connect with the people around us. The good news? Once we recognize this pattern, we can start making small changes that lead to bigger rewards in both our work and personal lives!

Digital Distraction Epidemic: “Can we not take 30 minutes to just, like, watch our kids swim? You know? And I’m not saying I never look at my phone or I’m perfect on this, but isn’t it really kinda weird when you think about it? Like, we’re just like these zombies on these devices while life is happening right in front of us.”

Embracing Long-Form Content and Meaningful Engagement

I also discuss the moral dilemma I’ve faced as a content creator and how I’m rethinking my approach to social platforms for the long term. Spoiler: it includes focusing more on email, podcasting, and community-building spaces like Dream It Do It Wellness—platforms that nurture real connection without the addictive pulls of social media.

This is more than a conversation about screen time; it’s about creating a life that feels full, connected, and intentional.

3 Key Takeaways

🔹 Model Positive Behavior: As parents and mentors, it’s crucial to exhibit healthy screen usage and mental health habits. Children learn by observing us, and our actions can shape their future digital habits.

🔹 Embrace Solitude & Real-Life Interactions: Constant screen use can diminish our ability to engage in face-to-face interactions. Solitude, free from digital distractions, is essential for clarity, deep thinking, and personal growth.

🔹 Rethink Your Digital Consumption: Temporary solutions like apps aren’t enough. Forming guiding principles for digital use and considering a 30-day social media detox can lead to profound changes in how we engage with technology and rediscover personal interests.

“Solitude is where clarity begins and clarity is where breakthroughs happen.”

Mentioned in the Episode:

Recent Episodes

Stop Scrolling, Start Living: How to Escape the Social Media Spiral to Have More Time, Energy, & JOY! 

The Courage To Move On: Spotting The Signs and Taking Action

When One Chapter Ends, Another Begins

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