Health & Fitness Business Mentorship

Learn more about being a partner on my team!

Do you have a strong interest in health & fitness and want to do something more with it?

The foundation is already created for you, you just get to the fun part of supporting others with their health goals.

I will mentor you to help others + get paid for it, continue to rock your own journey, and you’ll be surrounded by other like-minded women working on similar goals.

Share Your Journey and Make an Income by Making an Impact

Do you have BIG dreams for your life, but aren’t quite sure how to make them happen?

I felt the same way years ago while sitting at my Corporate 9-5. I didn’t hate my job, but I knew it wasn’t lighting me up like I wanted my job to.

I wanted more fulfillment, more passion, more purpose.

That desire led me to coaching, partnering with BODi and it has forever changed my life!

I mentor women to monetize their love for all things wellness.

Fill out the short form and I’ll send you an email with more details about this opportunity to partner with BODi and me as your mentor on the Hustle with Heart Team.

Or you can schedule a quick chat with me.

Molly Asplin sitting at table with mug in hand

Real People – Real Results

Molly believes in you, supports you, and makes sure you are the best version of YOU! Thee most motivating coach and person to work with! SO inspiring and forever grateful for how she has changed my life!

~ Caitlin Deutschman

Molly is an absolute gem! Since day one she has always believed in me and there whenever needed! She brings amazing energy and leads her team by being right alongside them in the trenches! She has helped me dream a dream I NEVER even knew existed. She has a way of sharing that is contagious.

I am absolutely honored to be part of Health and Fitness with Molly. My life and my families will be forever changed as I left my corporate position because Molly helped me Dream Big about my health and for my family!! No one else I’d want as a Coach!

~ Nicole Sutter

Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the requirements to be a coach?

It’s important to know that a coach is a normal person. You don’t have to be a personal trainer, a fitness expert, a nutritionist, or even be at your “goal weight” to be a coach.

You are, however, someone that is passionate, you want to inspire others to lead healthy & fulfilling lives, you are practicing what you preach, and you are leading by example.

Regardless of where you’re at on your current journey, you can be a coach.

I believe that the best coaches are self starters, positive leaders, and are simply coachable – they want to figure this out and they are willing to take resources provided and put them into action. They are high performing women who want to help themselves and others to live a more meaningful, happier life.

What do coaches do?

As a coach, we lead what are called Challenge Groups. Think of a Challenge Group as an online health and fitness accountability group. These are private groups, and only the members can see what is being posted.

Each day, my customers check into the group. I have a daily post that provides motivation, support, tips, recipes and things that have personally helped me in my journey. Each participant checks in daily – we share our struggles, our successes, and everything in between!

As a new coach, you do not have to run your first group on your own. I will co-lead it alongside you, or you can be a “mentee” in my group, where I will give you leadership opportunities to help get you into your role as a coach.

There is also a challenge group guide that I have created for my coaches to use. So the system is in place, and no need for you to reinvent the wheel. You will just duplicate it with your own flair.

Challenge groups are fun, they keep you accountable, and they will change the lives of your customers. It’s the most fulfilling thing to see your first few customers get results.

What is the time commitment?

If you feel like you don’t have a ton of time to spare in your schedule, know that I felt that same way when I decided to start coaching, and I really wasn’t sure how I’d squeeze it in on time of my busy corporate job. For reference, I was working about 50 hours/week at the time.

I quickly realized that coaching activities were healthy, positive behaviors I only wished I would’ve made time for sooner — getting in a good workout, drinking a superfood shake, and focusing on personal development – those are really the biggest responsibilities that coaches have.

These were truly all things that I wanted myself to be doing anyway, and things that made me so much better as a wife, friend, and productive employee.

While I was coaching alongside my busy full time job, I didn’t always have the same amount of time to work on coaching tasks every day. I did, however, find at least some time everyday.

I would make a running list of my coaching to-do’s to get done before work, during lunch and after work, and find pockets of time.

Molly with two women on team
Molly and nicole
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How did you find time to do this?

Before work, I would do my own workout. Then, I would take 20 minutes or so to return any messages from the night before and check in with my current customers in the group.

While I got ready for work, during my commute, and during my “mindless” tasks like cleaning or folding laundry, I would listen to some sort of personal development. Every minute counts and gives you such a good mindset for the day ahead.

Audiobooks and podcasts really changed my mindset and made me better in my corporate role, too.

During lunch I would reach out to new potential challengers and start building relationships along with chatting with others about their goals.

I also take this time to check in with my current challengers.In the evenings, I would I prepare for the next day and jump on any team training calls that might be happening.

It’s crazy how much time I really created once I eliminated my time suck habits like social media scrolling, Netflix, etc. Even with working a full schedule, you can make this work!

You will realize that often times, it doesn’t feel like work — it is so fun and extremely rewarding.

The important piece to know is that you choose your pace with coaching. So whether you’d like to work this business as a hobby, a part-time business, or a six figure, full time income, all paths are possible.

I will be your mentor, and I will match whatever pace you’d like to go to help you achieve your goals

What is your community like?

I founded our coaching team that you would be part of, Hustle With Heart. It is a very collaborative team, and in the past 6 years we have finished in the top 0.1% of the entire coach network. Very cool!

It is a group of high performing women who truly make me better every single day! In time, as you grow your own business, you will eventually have a team of your own, but until then, know that you will be surrounded by an amazing group of women that will help you learn, develop, and become a better version of yourself.

The community of like-minded women is something I never knew coaching would provide me. However, when I got started, I quickly realized how impactful this was. With the coaching community, there’s always someone there by your side, celebrating your wins, getting you through the tough day, and just making the journey so much more fun.

Fellow coaches who were strangers to me a year ago have now become my close friends. There are several travel opportunities that come along with coaching. I am someone who loves to travel, get to know people, and experience new things.

This aspect has been such a joy to me and something I never knew I needed! It has been wonderful to experience time away + new places with a community of uplifting women (and often times their spouses/partners too!)

Our team takes a Leadership retreat each year where, those of us who have advanced our businesses, take a long weekend somewhere to relax by the pool, learn from each other, collaborate & share ideas, and just enjoy life alongside each other! We work hard in our businesses, and we also get to know each other as friends.

How do you choose who you want to work with?

I select coaches to personally mentor based on the following requirements:

1. An interest in health & fitness: You know that everything in your life starts with feeling good inside, and you want to make your own health a priority. You might not be “at your goal” yet, but you know you want to be on that journey for the long term. Or, maybe accountability has never been an issue for you, because fitness is just your thing.

2. A strong work ethic: You are an independent worker and like to get things done. You know how to execute. You’re not afraid to try something even though you’re not 110% sure how to do it.

3. A positive self starter: You usually do things before others, and you are self disciplined. You like to learn and you take the initiative to go after something when you want it. You are a naturally positive person, and your glass is usually half full.

Molly with some women on her team at leadership retreat

Complete the form and I’ll email you more information about this opportunity.

[BUSINESS PARTNER] Hustle With Heart Coaching

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[BUSINESS PARTNER] Hustle With Heart Coaching

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